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Our Services

Interim Placements

Growth or change within any organisation can cause significant turbulence, which is why it’s key to have the right people on board

Organisations must ensure they have the talent needed to steer the team and sustain the business. Interim placements play a key role during times of transition and change. Independent, expert and highly skilled, they can help move an organisation through a turbulent period after the loss of a key staff member, help shift an organisation in its strategic direction or help turnaround failing organisations.

See how we can help

Our recent placements include:

Being at arms-length, interims are often better placed to challenge received wisdom, work without an agenda and deliver your organisation the change or support it requires.

Finding these people is a skill in itself and often a challenge when time is short or there are several other competing issues for urgent attention.

Oxford HR maintains a pool of highly qualified, exceptional interim candidates from across the globe in order to supply our clients with the talent needed for these challenges. These individuals are closely vetted by our team to ensure they not only have the right credentials for the job and a portfolio of successfully completed projects, but also the empathy and emotional intelligence to work sensitively with their new team and quickly diagnose critical issues.

We maintain close contact with our interims to ensure that the process is running smoothly and that projects are on track, so our clients are able to focus wholly on the issues at hand.

Looking for your next Interim leader?

Get in touch to see how we can help.

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