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Jean-Baptiste Bobin

Associate Researcher

Jean-Baptiste Bobin

Jean-Baptiste holds Master’s degrees in Global Security from the University of Bordeaux and in Competitive Intelligence from IAE Bordeaux (Institute of Business Administration). After his studies, he volunteered as an observer for the Observatoire Pharos in France, monitoring social, cultural, and religious pluralism issues in SouthEast Asia. Based in Amsterdam, Jean-Baptiste is a research analyst with 4 years of international experience in corporate governance, and most recently in ESG research.

View Jean-Baptiste's current roles

Near East Foundation
Brussels, Europe
Posted 2 months ago

Status: Open

Board members are recognised for their leadership, commitment, integrity and professionalism. Once elected, they will serve in the best interests of NEF Belgium.

Job Features

Job CategoryHumanitarian, Jean-Baptiste, Mia, Rachel
LocationBrussels, Belgium
Closing Date12th July 2024
StatusThis is high level position, undertaken on a volunteer basis. Reasonable expenses incurred in the execution of the Board duties will be reimbursed.
Duration of the mandateBoard members are appointed for a 3 year term with the possibility of renewal for two more 3 year terms, according to the procedures set out in the Statutes and Operating Guidelines. Annual time commitment is estimated at approximately 80 to 100 hours.
Oxford HR
Posted 2 years ago

Status: Open

We are fully committed to our work on gender and diversity, so if you’re from an under-represented group we are particularly keen to hear from you.

Job Features

Job CategoryAC, Adrina, Alanna, Alisha, Amanda, Ana, Angeline, Anna, Arlene, Arni, Bob, Christel, Dara, Data, Dom, Education, Ely, Environment, Erica, Erik, Estefania, Evelyne, George, Health, Helen, Human Rights, Humanitarian, Hye, Ingrid, James, James S, Jean-Baptiste, Jennifer, Josje, Judy, Karen, Karna, Kaushalya, Lewis, Lisanne, Livelihoods & Agriculture, Maria G, Mark W, Martine, Mayank, Mia, Michael, Michelle, Nada, Nafeesa, Nataša, Neil, Nick, Nick S, Nicola, Noha, Ottilia, OxHR Jobs, Peter, Philip, Prisca, Rachel, Razane, Robert, Rod, Rosa, Rose, Sobhi, Stephen, Suzie Li, Tamsin, Team, Thibaut, Toby, Trade, Yolanda, Zoe