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We recently returned from representing Oxford HR at an exhilarating New York Climate Week. Against a somber backdrop of devastating climate change realities, it was incredibly inspiring to be amidst so many dedicated individuals and organizations seeking to innovatively address critical issues in funding, policy, awareness, response and resiliency programming – and more. What really struck us was the incredible leadership among the nonprofit, multilateral, and private sectors to drive the kind of urgent change needed to mitigate against the growing multifaceted challenges.

Among many incredible insights, some of the following stood out to us:

  • The importance of diversity among climate change leaders, not only because many of the regions hit the hardest are among the Global South, but to ensure adequate representation and voice among all sectors.
  • The opportunity for greater collective and collaborative action through convening mechanisms among industry and sector specialists working to address issues of sustainability.
  • The need for improved cross-sector (and cross-team) learning and dialogue to ensure a coordinated, informed response.
  • And finally, the immense cost of inaction – and the subsequent urgent need to improve education, capacity, direction of funding, impact measurements, and equitable policy action particularly among the biggest contributors to climate change.

There is exceptional work and commitment present on this issue – but there are also clear and significant gaps among notable sectors and industries whose outsized roles and leadership are critically needed. Our commitment at Oxford HR to supporting environmental and social impact organizations with exceptional leadership and change management, plays a principal role in the urgent response needed on climate change. We know the road to a sustainable future is challenging – every step we take towards a better environment will lead to a safer, healthier and more resilient future for us all.

Dr Karna Cohen
Dr Karna Cohen
Managing Director, Americas at Oxford HR

Dr. Karna Cohen’s two decades of experience working innovatively on how the private, public, nonprofit, security, and technology sectors can work both independently, and in concert, to promote growth and stability in emerging markets has earned her a spot as a trusted advisor to the C-suite. Dr. Cohen specializes in driving and executing strategy, international business development, public policy, strategic initiatives, and ESG/human rights adherence, across numerous industries, often in sensitive contexts. She has led organizations (including her own consulting firm) focused on ESG/CSR, public policy, trade & investment, and conflict mitigation leading to multi-country Presidential Resolutions in support of ESG practices and policies, successful Congressional Resolutions on corporate accountability, US-Africa trade policy endorsed by the Secretary of State, U.S. Presidential acknowledgements in support of global stability efforts, and the successful growth of numerous Fortune 100/500 clients while adhering to explicit ESG and accountability targets.

Dr. Cohen has lived and worked in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and across the Americas, and speaks French, Hebrew, and Danish in addition to her native English. She holds a doctorate in International Development and Technology Studies with a concentration on fragile states.