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In November, our Global Communications Director Suzie Mills and Director of Europe, Erik Van Weert, attended the B For Good Leaders Winter Summit, held at the Nyenrode University just outside Amsterdam. B For Good Leaders is a cooperative of leaders, aiming to reframe the meaning of leadership. They believe in entrepreneurial leaders of integrity working systematically with governments, philanthropists, academics and all citizens of good will, to build a society of change makers from different regions around the globe, to action transformation. 

The cooperative exists to accelerate the transition towards a regenerative economy, creating the conditions for a shared, durable prosperity. The aim; to create social, environmental and economic net positive value through a new model of regenerative leadership. 

200 invited attendees came together to enjoy a day packed with a mix of panel discussions and smaller workshop groups on topics such as ‘The B Corp movement’, ‘Female Entrepreneurship’ and ‘Regenerative Leadership Circles’. There were several themes that clearly emerged throughout the day; 

  1. Urgency related to climate change 
  2. The essential nature of collaboration – no one person or organisation can get done what needs to be done on their own, and it’s this bringing together of influencers that really is the grounding force of the cooperation 
  3. Vision – small steps will eventually equal one big step and it’s important we have a collective vision to work towards together 
  4. B-Corp – they tie themselves very closely to wanting to work with and support B-Corp organisations
    “we use the example of B Corp to inspire other leaders & organisations” 

We look forward to continuing to learn from this group of visionary leaders, and to attending their next event in Amsterdam in May 2024. 

Suzie Mills
Suzie Mills
Communications Director at Oxford HR

Suzie joined the Oxford HR Team in January 2019 as our Communications Director. She holds a BA (Hons) in Journalism from Cardiff University and has worked in Marketing for over 13 years.

Prior to working for Oxford HR, Suzie has developed campaigns and worked on the global strategies for companies such P&G, Nissan, Delta Airlines, Barclays, COI, World Horse Welfare, Vodafone and VTECH. Suzie is particularly interested in how technology and digital innovation can contribute to the global UN goal of ending hunger and poverty by 2030 and global problems in general.

Suzie is a Trustee on the Board of the charity CMV Action, endeavouring to support awareness and fund vaccine research for this virus.