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Our Services

Board & Advisory

Our team have completed Chair and Board projects for clients spanning a range of sectors

With unparalleled experience working on non-executive role and board projects, our team understand the intricacies and nuances of the interplay between an organisation and its governance. We also know that leading in today’s world requires empowerment, empathy and vision.

In a competitive global environment, the ability of the non-executive Board to steer organisations can make a critical difference. The approach of any organisation to diversity, risk management and good governance can set it apart from its peers, fundamentally affecting its sustainability, effectiveness, funding and employer brand. Governance trends are inciting organisations to clarify remits and reporting lines and enhance their means of accountability towards their key stakeholders and the wider public.

See how we can help
Young, black woman smiling whilst in board meeting

We are experts in finding key global talent that will protect your reputation and safeguard the future of your organisation

We advise on Board mandate, role and composition as well as conduct and best practice, which all helps to open up new sources of funding, develop key networks and create a climate of opportunity for both staff and volunteers.

From our extensive, successful track record across specialisms, we have the experience necessary to recognise the different motivations that draw people to undertake non-executive, trustee or advisory committee roles, and how these motivations can be utilised to make a positive impact on your organisation. Our industry knowledge and research skills make us best placed to identify the competences needed on a Board, and to map those against the existing team, delivering a placement that is both appropriate to the role and complementary to the organisation as a whole.

Interested in our services?

Submit a Request for Proposal here or contact us at