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Yolanda is an experienced Interim leader, holding roles such as Global Policy & Programmes Director and Regional Director in Africa or Asia for International Development Organisations over 15 years, with organisations such as Oxfam, Save the Children, Practical Action and HelpAge International. From 2021 until 2023 she took a 1.5-year interim role as International Director with Practical Action UK, a global development organisation focusing on poverty alleviation and climate change.

Relevant Background and Experience

The Interim International Programme Director role at Practical Action was a perfect fit for Yolanda. She had held similar positions at Oxfam Novib and HelpAge International, and this role aligned with her passion—collaborating with Regional and Country Directors in countries while providing strategic leadership at the head office. She also had prior experience with Practical Action, ensuring mutual familiarity.

Key Priorities of the Interim Role

Key priorities in this position were support to Country Directors in securing resources and strengthening programmes, as well as advise the CEO and Leadership Team on an operational model to increase country-level ownership and accountability.  

Challenges and Opportunities

The most significant challenge Yolanda has faced in this interim period were resolving long-standing leadership issues in two countries, as well as compliancy with donor requirements.  

An opportunity during the interim assignment was the subsequent involvement of African, and later Asian and Latin American directors/managers in developing the organisational model for their respective regions. Such involvement in change processes is easier if being an interim director where your current international role will be changed into three regional ones. 

Leadership and Decision Taking

In the leadership part having had experience in comparable roles was essential to be able to make the right judgements if difficulties arise. For decision making processes a strong relationship with the CEO was helpful as an interim will leave the organisation after the changes have been implemented while the CEO will continue, and in this case take over the management of the regional directors. 

Team Morale and Continuity

For keeping team morale and continuity during leadership transitions, Yolanda sees strong relationships, consultative processes, and accessibility as essential. Prioritisation and delegation where possible were crucial. In one case, when a team was struggling, Yolanda implemented a structured approach involving stakeholders and the CEO, which was widely seen as the best solution, even if not universally welcomed.  

Stakeholder Management

Yolanda worked closely with the CEO and Regional/Country Directors on all external relationships, offering internal advice where improvements were possible. As interim she sees it as important to build external relationships along longer-term staff as your role is temporary. 

Reflections and Advice

Spending the first few months fostering stability and trust with the teams in the countries and in Head Office created a solid foundation for later changes. Keeping an open door and mind helped resolve issues effectively.  

What advice would you give to someone considering an interim executive role with an INGO?

Build strong relationships, be open yet decisive, and ensure effective communication across teams.  

Future Outlook

With ongoing uncertainty in major INGOs, interim leaders can play a crucial role in strategy and operations according to Yolanda.  She thinks that INGOs need more forward looking and innovative leadership. Decentralisation should be accelerated, shifting strategic and operational decision-making to the Global South while the Global North focuses on fundraising.